Sunday, January 16, 2011

A friendly political debate. FOX News, Guns, Sarah Palin, and other stuff.

I copied and pasted a series of conversations that were initially posted on a friend of mine's Facebook page. The purpose is to continue the conversation here on The Moderates Perspective. I think a blog like this is a more appropriate "venue" than Facebook for hosting conversations of this kind.

View the following video about how FOX news distorts information.
FOX News Whistle blowers. UNBELIEVABLE                                                              
Fox News MUST BE SEEN FOR WHAT IT IS! NOW!! Wake up for god's sake America! Watch "Outfoxed"    
Thank God for Fox News..the last bastian of hope against the liberal media!! Liberals just can't stand that we are kicking their asses right now in public opinion, at the ballot box and in the cable news ratings.

 Of course, we conservatives must be unelightened and we need to be educted and liberals are happy to point out the errors of our ways. We appreciate it...really we do. If we would just buy one of those newspapers no one reads anymore or watch one of those shows with no ratings or listen to publicly funded coma inducing free radio we'll get it!

Come on...Rachel Madcow and Chris " Tingly Legs" Matthews...and Keith Overbite? This is who you want to be associated with?
Why do liberals always look so sad and underfed? Grab a hamburger, smile and work together with us to help make the best country in the world better.

Kevin, I don't think i know you, so please don't think I'm yelling at you or anything. This is just a friendly conversation. :) But Fox News is neither fair nor balanced, in my humble opinion. I base that opinion on several factors, many... of which come from my own observations.

But also, studies have been done which show that viewers of Fox News are more misinformed than viewers of other news organisations.

Not to say that the other news orgs are perfect; not by any stretch. That's why it's important to read,view, listen to, as many varied sources of information as possible.

Also, you can check out how factual , or not, Glenn Beck is, at the following web site. This web site checks on many politicians and pundits from all sides. If you care about truth and are honest with yourself, you should read this politifact web site in detail.

Glenn Beck fact check 


 Fox News is about as slanted as it gets. Why is that conservatives always look like they've eaten ten or twelve hamburgers too many? Work together with gun loving conservatives like the ones in Arizona? No thanks.


Lou..Jack....I like good discussion. The fact that we can post opposing views is the great thing about this country. I won't change your views and you won't change mine. But the great thing is I can enjoy running with Jack and root on his accomplishments..even though he is much faster than me...and disagree politically!!! Has something to do with those extra hamburgers! I left myself open for that one.
Sorry i got a little touchy with people who used this tragedy to take a shot at conservative pundits and their views prior to getting any facts.
I toast you both. We can just agree to disagree agreeably.
But...honestly...Chris Matthews....?
Best wishes to both of you.

 I'll agree with you on Chris Matthews. Not a fan.         
Jack...that alone means your next beer at Swarthmore is on me!!!              


Kevin, I agree with what you said. Amicable disagreement is the way it should be. It seems to me that the extremists on both sides sometimes are not so amicable, and that makes any discussion go downhill. Once the nastiness starts, it's hard to tone it down, apparently. :)

So, I am not going to try to change your mind on anything. I just want to bring up a point about at least listening to both sides. There is a scientific principle - and I don't remember what the name of it is, that uses the following example: if you get everyone in a town to guess the weight of a cow, and you include every one's guesses and average them out, the average comes in at almost exactly the actual weight of the cow. (That principle has been proven to be true). There is more to the example, but right now, that is all I can remember about it.

The point being, if one considers all political points of view, the best "solution" (to a policy issue) is usually going to be roughly the average, meaning the moderate position. It takes into account some of each side. That is basically why Congress is divided up into the House and the Senate. It is the best way, maybe the only way, for opposite camps to arrive at consensus, without violence. Both sides need to compromise.

When one side refuses to compromise at all, and the other side feels like they are being totally ignored - shafted, etc., then it drives the other side to the opposite extreme, and it ultimately ends badly for both sides.

It is like the Taoist/Buddhist concept of yin and yang. Opposites are necessary for each other to exist, and the universe is constantly seeking balance between the two. Also relates to Newton's Third Law of motion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.


If you read Bernie Goldberg's book..."A Slobbering Love Affair" can see why the Right is angry. I think his best line was a quote from a political pundit who said " In 2004 the media did a bad job of being 2008 they did a... good job of being biased".

The hard evidence proves the newsrooms and journalists who report to us are overwhelmingly liberal. They can't help but put their slant on it. The way news is distributed to us is not can't be. Conservatives don't want it the other way...just closer to down the middle!

The fact that Chris Matthews and other journalistic hacks felt they could blame Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck or any other Fox News reporter prior to the revelation of any facts in the Arizona tragedy shows that their misuse of the public forum is not only accepted but expected.

This administration has shoved things at us the majority of individuals don't want in a way that causes the ire of the other side. Telling us we have to pass health care reform so we can find out what is in it! Van Jones being dismissed on a holiday weekend. Robert Gibbs not answering questions about the Arlen Spector buyout case. We were promised a new brand of politics..openness...we so far have same old same old.

In fact, just like Bill Clinton, there was no mention of overhauling the health care system in the primaries. That became job one only after the election was won and the inauguration done. The side refusing to compromise is the side that thinks it knows better what we should want and need. Just as in the global warming debate, if you create a solution for a problem that not everyone is convinced exists you won't get an overwhelmingly positive response to that solution. Cap and Trade for it a solution for a problem that does not exist or a tax in hiding?

This President is in over his head if the job at hand involves anything greater than a finely crafted speech delivered on a teleprompter.                                


That's funny. To me the media seems to be overwhelmingly conservative. It's funny how two people can look at the same thing and see it in completely the opposite way.

There is no disputing that Sarah Palin put crosshairs on a map on her web targeting supposedly liberal Congress people. That's all it takes for someone who's mentally unstable to take things to extremes. One of the major differences between conservatives and liberals is their view on gun control. Most liberals want some gun control. Most conservatives want none. When liberals are angry you get a peaceful demonstration. When conservatives are angry, someone gets shot. I give you JFK, MLK, RFK and now Gabrielle Giffords. Funny thing is, I don't consider her liberal enough. She's a moderate Democrat.

As far as the Obama administration is concerned, I don't think he's liberal enough either. During the primaries, he was much more liberal. As it became more and more obvious that he was going to be the Democratic candidate, he moved more and more to the center. He did talk about health care reform during the primaries. I believe single payer is the way to go. The current health care bill got so watered down by pressure from the right that it's pretty much a piece of crap but at least it's a start. Too many people in this country have no health care. Too many people in this country are forced into bankruptcy and lose their homes when they become sick. It's disgraceful.

It amazes me how angry the right is with Obama. As far as I'm concerned, nothing has changed. He extended most of the Bush policies. Policies like tax cuts for the rich, bailouts to Wall Street and also the continuation of two wars, To me it's "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss".        


Same old same old is right. I would have more praise if he said I campaigned against the wars...the troops are coming home. Something happens when the elected becomes the office holder.

And Obama said you don't bring a knife to a gunfight wh...en you are taking on your enemies. Unstable people do unstable things. Everyone knows what Palin meant as well as Obama in each of those cases I think. The fact that he shot a moderate Democrat and he is apolitical should tell us all this surrounding talk is meaningless.

The fact we see the same situation differently is funny! I may disagree with what you or Lou say but as should be the case in this country..I will PEACEFULLY defend your right to say it!!


  1. More good information about how Fox News plans to distort the news, can be found here.

  2. And yet more info about how Fox distorts the news can be read about here.

  3. Opinion:

    One learns with age hopefully, that there are "two sides to every story". It is therefore for me a sign of immaturity, and weakness of intellect, for one to not do ones best to learn as much about the two opposites, in order for one to form a sensible and well centered and reasoned opinion.

    If history has taught us anything, it is that if hatred in any form is allowed to enter the debates of man, it clouds the mind and causes nothing but fractious and stubborn resolution, with no hope of reaching any accommodation whatsoever. It is also a significant waste of energy!

    The only solution,( which argues strongly for the position of reasonableness in all debate), would be therefore, to simply declare war each time differences appear and settle the matter in a conflagration of death and winner takes all!

    I assume that those who hate would therefore be willing to die, for such hatred to have any validity whatsoever?
    James M. Convey

  4. Opinion from the outside looking in................. There are a lot of things right about America. FOX news is surely not one of them! Corporatism in financial control of the ideological debate, now assured with the help of the U.S. supreme court, is another!.........."

  5. Here is another example of how Fox skews the news, as explained by Jon Stewart.
