Saturday, August 29, 2020

Goal of a corporation

James Convey requested that this article by Steve Denning be linked into my blog. I've copied and pasted the article here because it's worth while to think about. The link to the article in Forbes is listed above.

Steve Denning:
In the outpouring of comments on the two articles on the Ten Most Hated Jobs and The Ten Happiest Jobs was a continuing theme about the goal of a corporation. For many people, it seems as though the idea that the goal of corporation is to make money is one of the immutable truths of the universe. For instance, one reader wrote:
The top 10 hated jobs are about making money. The ultimate goal of any corporation is to make money. Money is generally made at the expense of some other corporation or in business speak: “taking someone else’s share” or “creating a need or want” in the market.
For the most part companies of today falsify what is “needed” or “wanted” in the market…(otherwise known as people). There is nothing ‘human’ about satisfying a ‘need’ that forces you to spend tons of dollars on wrinkle cream that really doesn’t work anyway. I believe that that is not helping anyone…in fact…it is lying to people to take away their money. There is no real connection when you start lying and make ‘money’ your God to pursue. But here is the problem: in a disillusioned world if you want to have a comfortable living…you also have to be disillusioned…
It is well known that direct contact with other human beings where you can see your contribution create the change…is the most self-actualizing!
In a corporation, you will always be dispensable…because it is about money….not helping people. [sohik]
The truth is that the ultimate goal of a corporation isn’t necessarily to make money. True, this is the goal of traditional management, and of many organizations in the Fortune 500. But it’s a choice made by those organizations, not a necessary fact.
A growing number of companies have chosen a different goal. They see their bottom line as something radically different. Delighting their customers through continuous innovation has become their bottom line. Making money is the result, not the goal, of their activities. The interesting thing is that when they operate this way, they make a lot more money than companies that focus directly on making money.
You can see this when you compare the ten-year share price of companies that are practicing radical management such as Apple [AAPL], Amazon [AMZN] and Salesforce [CRM] or Intuit [INTU], with companies still practicing traditional management, such Wal-Mart [WMT], Cisco [CSCO] OR GE [GE],

Another interesting thing about this different way of managing is that when everyone in the organization is focused on delighting the customer, this creates a great deal more job satisfaction for competent employees than work that is centered on making money for the shareholders. That’s because the jobs become fundamentally about helping other people. This is not selling anti-wrinkle cream that doesn’t work anyway, but really making people’s lives better.
Organizations operating in this way find that engaged employees are indispensable to achieving their goals. As a result, the practice of traditional management of treating employees as dispensable becomes counter-productive.
My correspondent is right in thinking that we make our own reality. But so too, do organizations. Some organizations are creating a reality that is better for the employees, the customers and the organization.
It is up to all of us whether we want to participate in co-creating this different world.

Steve Denning’s most recent book is: The Leader’s Guide to Radical Management (Jossey-Bass, 2010).

Thursday, August 27, 2020

There is no such thing as free market capitalism

There is no such thing as a "free market", as the term is used by conservatives. Absolutely no such thing.

Here is why I say that the conservative media propaganda machine - such as Fox News and many radio shows, is really representing the very wealthy. The conservative media's mantra since the Ronald Reagan administration has been, "government bad, private industry good", and "let the free market be free" in countless variations. But that is a gigantic misdirection. They actually need government, because there is no such thing as a "free market". What big business does, is to influence the rules and regulations (tax loopholes and such) in their favor; and they do it with money. (Citizens United for example). But without government monetary and legal infrastructure, (the currency, laws, courts, enforcement, banking, setting interest rates, etc.) there is no free market.

The best analogy I can think of is the National Football League. Think of the game itself as "the market", and the entire set of rules that govern the behavior of the game as "the government".  The governing body that is the NFL determines the rules of the game:  the size of the field, the width of the goalposts, what you're allowed to do and not do. Everything that you might take for granted about the game of football is in fact highly regulated. Without the NFL (i.e., the government), you'd have no game; you'd only have chaos. There would be no standards. Every field could potentially be different. Every game could potentially be played using a different set of rules.

In our economy, big business influences the rules in their favor, so that - for a metaphorical example, the NY Giants football team influenced (i.e., paid for) legislation that would allow their offensive line  to commit the infraction of "holding", but the offensive line for the Eagles would not be allowed to do the same thing. 

So you see, big business still needs the rules, otherwise, they would not be able to do what they do. When they say, "get government out of the way", what they really mean is, "let us set the rules in our favor". And the more wealth becomes concentrated in the hands of a relatively few people, the more ability the wealthy have to control the rules. 

 Good quotes to remember: 

GOP 2014 strategy -- Hire clowns, elephants, and a ringmaster and say "a media circus" has emerged and blame Democrats for lack of progress. Have pundits agree that "both sides are to blame" and hope the public will stay home on election day.”  Author unidentified.

“I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.”  - Susan B. Anthony