Thursday, January 13, 2011

Health Care reform, issues and ideas.

This is a complex issue. Even to at least partially understand the issues involved with the health care debate, pro and con, requires a lot of research.  That is the reality. 

My purpose in creating this post is for it to be a place that brings together as many good sources of information on the topic as I can find. This post will continually be updated as I find additional sources.

Via a friend of mine on Facebook, I came across this article about how large corporate health insurance companies are controlling the conversations about health care reform in this country.

Corporate Health Insurers control the message like Big Brother
The article explains that former Cigna executive Wendell Potter is coming clean on how his former employer and other companies distort the truth about health care reform. The site contains a video of an interview with Mr. Potter that is well worth watching, although it is long.

Wendell Potter exposes the truth on health care reform 

Repealing Obama's Health Care Reform legislation will negatively effect jobs.

Here is a detailed examination of the economic effects of the health care legislation from a recognized expert in the field, Professor David Cutler:

Effect on jobs of repealing health reform.   

A very good site that fact-checks many issues, is the site, run by the St. Petersburg Times. They have a good series on health care that they update on a regular basis. They research the details associated with various statements made by politicians and pundits on health care, rate the validity of each statement, and explain how and why they came to the conclusion.

Health Care Fact Check

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